Professional WordPress Plugins
Specializing in Woocommerce shipping plugins

Canada Post plugin for Woocommerce
This Canada Post Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce provides integration with Canada Post and your WooCommerce website.
More features than the free plugins
- Live Tracking updates on customer orders
- Create Paid shipping labels for Contract and Small business customers
- Live accurate shipping rates directly in Woocommerce shopping cart and checkout page
- Parcel Tracking: Updates your order with Parcel Tracking details when a PIN/Tracking number is added
- Canada Post Shipment Labels can be created. These PDF Labels can be generated on Woocommerce orders
- Shipment labels work for Non-Contract (ie. Small Business/Venture one) as well as Contract customers that do not need a Manifest.
- Multiple warehouses. You can now define more than one shipping origin for rates lookup and shipments. It uses geolocation when determining the closest shipment point to the destination postal code.
- Ability to add a markup/margin to shipping rates

Purolator plugin for Woocommerce
Use Purolator Webservices with your WooCommerce website.
- Live accurate shipping rates directly in Woocommerce shopping cart and checkout page
- Parcel Tracking: Updates your order with Parcel Tracking details when a PIN/Tracking number is added
- Ability to add a markup/margin to shipping rates
- Uses Purolator’s new Web Services for speed and stability
- Ability to use Shipment Boxes in rates calculation

USPS plugin for Woocommerce
Use USPS Web Tools with your WooCommerce website.
- Live accurate shipping rates directly in Woocommerce shopping cart and checkout page
- Parcel Tracking: Updates your order with Parcel Tracking details when a PIN/Tracking number is added
- Ability to add a markup/margin to shipping rates
- Ability to use Shipment Boxes in rates calculation